After the debut album and two splits, this is the newest output from this
great band from France. SUGARTOWN CABARET are members of Amanda
Woodward and Aussitot Mort. Their sound is somewhere between ambient
screamo and hardcore/post-hardcore. The whole album lives by a change
of moods and sounds. From dark calm moments up to energetic/powerful
fast parts you will find everything on this record: engaging, brutal and also
gentle and complex parts. The six songs (each with a length of around 7
minutes) always surprises with new intricacies and facets, everytime you hear
them again. No excuses, these are the best songs, the band has written so far.
Coverartwork done by Sean Leary.
great band from France. SUGARTOWN CABARET are members of Amanda
Woodward and Aussitot Mort. Their sound is somewhere between ambient
screamo and hardcore/post-hardcore. The whole album lives by a change
of moods and sounds. From dark calm moments up to energetic/powerful
fast parts you will find everything on this record: engaging, brutal and also
gentle and complex parts. The six songs (each with a length of around 7
minutes) always surprises with new intricacies and facets, everytime you hear
them again. No excuses, these are the best songs, the band has written so far.
Coverartwork done by Sean Leary.